The Changing Look Active Galactic Nucleus IRAS 23226-3843 I will report on X-ray, UV, and optical observations of the "Changing Look" AGN IRAS 2322-3843. This galaxy was discovered by Swift in a routine observation in a very low X-ray flux state at the beginning of 2017. We therefore triggered an X-ray observation with XMM and optical spectroscopy with the SALT. The SALT spectrum revealed that IRAS 2322-3843 is one of a rare "changing look" AGN which change their spectral type. While IRAS 2322-3843 was classified as a Narrow-Line Seyfert 1 galaxy based on spectroscopy performed in the 1990s, in our most recent optical spectrum taken by the SALT all broad emission lines have disappeared making it a Seyfert 2 type galaxy. Most-likely what we are seeing in the galaxy is the evolution of a partial covering absorber that not only affects the apparent X-ray spectrum, but also the appearance in the optical.