Biennial Conference on Chemical Education at UK
7/28/2024 - 8/1/2024
See websites for details
Event Type(s)
Kentucky science event
Event Description
The Biennial Conference on Chemical Education will be held on the campus of the University of Kentucky on July 28-August 1. Teachers at all levels are encouraged to attend. Abstracts are now being accepted for oral and poster sessions (information at  We strongly encourage K-12 teachers to submit an abstract so that we have a robust program for teachers at all levels. This conference includes talks on a variety of topics including classroom practices (i.e. sharing things you’ve done), chemical education research presentation, and workshops to learn new things.
To make it easier for K-12 teachers to attend when PD funds are limited, we have a reduced registration cost of $100 for all K-12 teachers.  More information about registration is available at

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