Kentucky Academy of Science - Event Information - Kentucky Academy of Science

Event Name:
UK Sky Talk

Event Type(s):
Kentucky science event


Eta Carinae: A Star With a Past …and No Future
Eta Carinae is too far south to be observed north of Cairo, Egypt, making it unobservable to astronomers before the renaissance. It was recorded by some early southern explorers, including Edmund Halley. In the 1840’s, it increased its luminosity by 10x. At its peak, it radiated energy at a rate 20 million times the Sun’s. Modern instrumentation has revealed much that was hidden and presented more mysteries. Once thing is certain: at only three million years old, Eta’s life is nearly over.

The University of Kentucky Department of Physics and Astronomy is pleased to welcome the public to our astronomical observatory. Part of our program of public outreach is a presentation on an interesting topic in astronomy followed by a visit to the observatory.  The Kentucky SkyTalk is held on the second Thursday of each month.  A 50 minute program on astronomy will begin at 7:00 PM in Room 155 of the Chemistry-Physics Building. After the presentation, you are invited to view the sky through our 20-inch telescope, weather permitting. (Note that the starting time changes in the spring and fall.)

Free parking is available on the top floor of parking structure #2, (see special note at top), next to the observatory. With the exception of paid parking, without a valid parking permit, leaving your vehicle somewhere other than the parking structure at the observatory will result in a parking citation.
All are welcome and there is no charge. Tell your neighbors. Bring your kids.
Weather Caveat: If the university closes for a weather emergency, the SkyTalk will be postponed and the observatory will not be open.

Event Date:

Event Time:

UK Chemistry-Physics Building Room 155