Event Registration - Kentucky Academy of Science

STEM Networking reception RSVP
11/1/2024 - 11/1/2024
5:30 PM - 7:30 PM EST

Location: Kentucky State University, 400 E. Main St., 400 East Main Street, Frankfort, KY 40601

Registration ends on 10/18/2024
RSVP for this STEM Networking reception

Event Description
This is a free event in Frankfort, for STEM professionals to meet and network with scientists and students from across the Commonwealth. We are creating this opportunity for KAS members to meet with professional scientists and to learn about STEM careers pathways in Kentucky.

The reception is Friday Nov 1, 5:30-7:30pm ET, on the Kentucky State University campus.
This reception is part of the Kentucky Academy of Science (KAS) Annual Meeting, which is being hosted this year at Kentucky State University (KSU). The KAS Annual Meeting convenes ~700 professional and student scientists from all over Kentucky over two days. 
The Kentucky Academy of Science is a statewide scientific society with 4000 members across Kentucky. Our mission is to catalyze scientific communication and collaboration that will improve research, education, and evidence-based public engagement within the Commonwealth of Kentucky. For more information about how to join or get involved, visit the KAS website at https://kyscience.org/